
Using Your Tax Refund To Achieve Your Homeownership Goals This Year

Using Your Tax Refund To Achieve Your Homeownership Goals This Year | MyKCM

If you’re buying or selling a home this year, you’re likely saving up for a variety of expenses. For buyers, that might include things like your down payment and closing costs. And for sellers, you’re probably working on a bit of spring cleaning and maintenance to spruce up your house before you list it.

Either way, any money you get back from your taxes can help you achieve your goals. Using a tax refund is a common tactic for buyers and [...]

7 Tax Benefits of Owning a Home

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Image result for tax benefits of owning a home

There are a multitude of reasons why owning a home has it's advantages, from providing family gathering spaces to giving a sense of worth.  In today's society we not only look at the emotional and physical reasons for owning a home, but also the financial benefits.  Click HERE to find out seven tax benefits of owning a home that you won't want to miss!